Turn your Superflow comments into Monday.com tasks or subtasks.
An Overview
The integration of Superflow with Monday.com facilitates the seamless transition of Superflow comments into Monday.com tasks.
This integration is designed to optimize your workflow, minimizing the time and resources required for task management.
How does it work?
Superflow integration with Monday.com works very seamlessly
Install Superflow app on Monday
Go to your Superflow Integrations tab
Click on "Install App" to authorize the Superflow and Monday.com
Connect to Monday to turn Superflow comments into tasks
You will be redirected to Monday.com and you can authorize the app
Choose an Monday workspace
This is where all the Superflow comments will be exported.
Connect a Superflow project to an Monday Project or Task
All Superflow comments will be created as Tasks under the selected Monday Board or you can connect to a specific Monday task to create subtasks
Monday.com Connected Successfully!